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Jessica Jean Enorck Jossen

Childs ID HB612

First Name Jessica

Second First Name Jean

First Last Name Enorck

Second Last Name Jossen

Gender Female

Age 2012-01-19

Grade 6

Favorite Subject Math

Favorite Color Pink

Duties at Orphanage Jessica spends time learning to read and write. She enjoys playing with the other children at the orphanage.

Jessica's father and mother are deceased. She and her sister, Doudeline, were both born in Cap Haitien. Their parents were both too old to care for them. They were desperately trying to find someone to take them when Yolande, the ODH orphanage director found them and brought the girls to the orphanage. Her parents died right after being brought to the orphanage.  We are blessed to have Jessica as part of our ODH family.


Jessica with her friend Laura.